Emmanuel Nyaletey and BridgeSolarPower.com

Emmanuel Nyaletey and BridgeSolarPower.com

One must always balance the expression of joy against the "humble brag".  From time to time, I can't resist open enjoyment of the staffers and buyers who came to Good Point 

At this year's Orlando E-Scrap Conference, Emmanuel Nyaletey (and Patty Whiting) will be on a panel with our old friend, Jim Puckett.

Blog Readers will doubtless remember Jim Puckett's description of Agbogbloshie ("on the outskirts" of Accra rather than "dead center") in his creative writing essay "A Place Called Away". Less familiar, perhaps, was Emmanuel's 2014 X.com (TWITTER) video describing what Agbogbloshie actually is/was, from the point of view of a Ghanaian who grew up blocks away and who refurbished computers as a kid in Ghana.

The BridgeSolarPower.com plan is to work with OBADA.io to create Digital Product Passports. Africans who purchased secondhand solar panels - upgraded due to high real estate costs in OECD nations - can tag (QR code, blockchained) and regularly report on reuse for carbon credits.

Who is against that?

I have long ago wanted to cease to be the overweight White Savior speaking on behalf of Africa, Asia, Latin America, even if I was merely blocking the tackle of another White Savior - Jim Puckett - who was going at their knees.

See 2017 blog "Reversing Environmental Racism"  Owning Your Stereotypes and Profiles

When Wahab Odoi was at this conference 5 years ago, with Clean Hands documentary filmmakers Juan Solaria and Albert Julia Torne, Jim Puckett said it was a good video but disclaimed that they had not interviewed his side.  The three of them were balked in a trumpish freeze and did not answer.

They had interviewed Jim Puckett for 10 minutes and he said at the end - when they asked about Joseph "Hurricane" Bensons - and Jim said he "did not know" the name but then said it was a "very biased question" and then said it was "a friend of Robin Ingenthron" (not. only met Joe once, after the curious accusation), they froze and never said... "But we interviewed YOU, JIM, and you said after the questions that you had a disclaimer and objected to airing of your interview.

Emmanuel Nyaletey does appear in the interview.  And although he is every bit as nice and deferential as the Clean Hands documentarians, I think he knows that he knows a lot more about the place he grew up than Jim "A Place Called Away" does.  Jim is going to come up with some trapdoor out of this, of course.

But let's put that aside. Emmanuel's BridgeSolarPower.com reuse business is going to be great for Africa. It will lower the cost USA and EU solar panel recyclers bear. It will reduce raw material mining and extraction. And it will cost a LOT less than shredding the solar voltaic panels Africans want to reuse.

But does his son, Daniel Puckett, not recognize his father's evasiveness?  Because the kind of guy who had been interviewed by the speakers, who asks why they never interviewed him, must have done that kind of thing in the family before.

Your dad is not a savior, not a hero. He is a false accuser. The Ayatollah of E-Waste.

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