Reuters #JunkJournalism: @JoeReuters Brock's Anti-Recycling #Shoegate Gone Wrong  

Joe Brock of Reuters "spent months" putting GPS trackers into perfectly wearable shoes, sent them to a Singapore textile and shoe grader, who both exports good reusealbe shoes and delivers junk and mismatched shoes to a Dow-funded downcycling operation that grinds up the shoes for beneficial use - to be made into rubberized gym tracks.

His thesis at the beginning of these months of reporting is that addressing the problem of non-exportable shoes is illegitimate unless all of the shoes are recycled and non are reused.

Look, I'm glad that my local hospital has a legitimate morgue. That does not make the recovery room evidence of greenwashing or a crime. Is Dow contributing to the environment by creating a legitimate end market for non-reuse shoes? Is Dow intending to shred the shoes for planned obsolescence purposes to keep the secondary market from competing with them for customers? Either would be a story... but we get #junkjournalism instead.

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