New Rule: Person with most knowledge of a device...

From waste colonialism to environmentalism 3.0
New rule: Person with the most knowledge about repair of, and demand for, the device gets to define if it is waste to her/him. Basel definition of waste originally recognized this, but rich countries exploited power to define it.

This is "systematic". The privileged folks with the most knowledge of the Basel Convention SYSTEM are able to knock out competitors in reuse, repair and re-manufacturing. Planned Obsolescence and Big Shred financial interests amplify boneheaded false statistics based NGOs, in a #CharitableIndustrialComplex.

The people with the most front-line access and information about recycling and repair tend to be in poorer countries (and poorer neighborhoods of richer countries). But they have less access (and are not invited to participate in) the SYSTEM of banning trade.

Trade bans are ALWAYS exploited by the rich and powerful countries. Look at the amount of money and technology devoted to make your printer's ink cartridge non-refillable (ink cartridge "killer chips" do not add value to YOU).

Does race matter? Absolutely, but not in absolute terms. Colonialism, poverty, etc. are not "minority" issues in global economies. But implicit racism - photographs of slums to depict remanufacturing factories (ink, displays, chip recovery), or terms like "counterfeit" applied to refilled catridges and repurposed CPU chips - are other methods of scaring and influencing SYSTEMS.

Export re-defined as "dumping"
Import re-defined as "externalizing"
Repurposing re-defined as "counterfeiting"
Repair/Tech Sector re-defined as "informal sector"

Big Shred, Planned Obsolescence, and Charitable Industrial Complex vs. Joseph "Hurricane" Benson. The Mom and Pop Shops of the globe face enormous hurdles, and the Basel Convention is being used as a SYSTEMATIC hurdle against their success. SERI and E-Stewards have created another certification "System", and have deep moral obligations to Primum Non Nocere - FIRST, DO NO HARM.

Not knowing what you are talking about and making it up as you go along destroys SYSTEMS and entrepreneurship.

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