How "Dual Citizenship" (or Multi-Citizenship) Works

We used to hear, 30 or 40 years ago, that the USA did not allow dual citizenship.  Or that the USA didn't used to allow it, but now it does.

Here is the deal.   Who decides who has citizenship in France?  France does.  Who decides whether someone is granted citizenship in Botswana?   Botswana.

If I'm the government of Guacamolepeonda, and I declare that all people with red hair are citizens without need of a passport or paperwork, that red haired people setting foot on our soil are citizens... the USA has nothing to say.

As explained by the US Department of State website:
U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one citizenship or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another citizenship does not risk losing U.S. citizenship. 
If a red headed American sets foot in Guacamolepeonda, perhaps by accident, he/she is at that moment a legal citizen of Guacamolepeonda under out Guacamolepeonda constitution.  You have the right of due process in the USA to defend the revocation of your citizenship.  So you are, no matter what, a dual citizen for the amount of time the USA revokes your citizenship.

Country A has a policy over citizens of Country A, not of Country B.   Under the USA constitution, there is no law that automatically revokes your citizenship without trial if you are already born here, already a citizen. USA law is not the law of Guacamolepeonda, or France, or Swaziland.

What if Guacamolepeonda passed a constitutional law making both Romney and Obama citizens of Guacamolepeonda?  They would be citizens there, against their wills, under the sovereign laws of Guacamolepeonda, CITIZENS.  If the USA denied dual citizenship, they would no longer be citizens of the USA, and would be disqualified.  What kind of a coup would that be?

USA laws stop a certain number of miles at sea off or the USA border.   For that matter, if you swear yourself an enemy of the USA somewhere off the coast, if you renounce your citizenship from overseas, nothing you do is recognized under USA law until you get back in the USA.

You can be a citizen of as many countries as accept you, so long as you are in those countries and do not renounce your USA citizenship.  The Department of State website is a tad unclear about what it means to renounce USA citizenship:
In order to lose U.S. citizenship, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign citizenship voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. citizenship.
I don't recommend renouncing US Citizenship.   If you are going to be a foreigner, there is no better foreigner to be, rights-wise, than an American.  There is no passport which offers as much loyalty to its citizens outside its sovereign borders as the USA.  And I will be an American forever.

Baby Monkey in a Basket
Monkeys Running the Environmental Zoo.

In the future, my grandchildren will have more loyalty to their dot-com address than they will to their passport.  All of the good, smart, hard-working, and honest people are going to find each other online and do business together and fall in love with each other and express loyalty to one another.  Same race?  Born in the same zip code?  Been there done that.  The major religions figured this out awhile ago.

It's kind of like when you marry, you become part of another family, but you don't stop being the son, brother, sister, nephew, etc. of your original family... unless you choose to do so.  Even if your new family told you you were no longer part of your old family, your parents and siblings wouldn't have to respect that dumb rule.

I have kids who have passports in two countries.  My loyalty is to my kids.

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