It is a Myth that 80% of USA used electronics exports are junk.
Since we have repeatedly asked for the source of the oft-printed 80% statistic, and have found only circular references (BAN citing a journalist in Ghana, the journalist citing BAN), we think this stat needs a fork stuck in it, it's done.
What I predict is that BAN and ETBC will begin to insert the words "up to" in front of the 80% statistic. I'm sure there's been a load that was 80% junk, so that would be a correct statement. Let's just remember, you saw it here first.

Robin -
Glad you are blogging this. I looked into it a few years ago, and my conclusion was that the source of the bogus 80% number is BAN's 2002 study and film, "Exporting Harm: The High-Tech Trashing of Asia." It claimed the percentage by citing "very knowledgeable and informed industry sources." Who are those sources? According to endnote #41, those sources are: "Telephone Interview with Mike Magliaro, Life-Cycle Business Partners."
That's all. That's it. One guy. Does he work the industry? Yes. Is he in a position to make that kind of claim? No way.
I'd like to know how Adam can be sure that Mike Magliaro was not in a position to "make that kind of claim." Lauren Roman, an industry expert--like Mike--collaborated with him on that estimate.
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